I am an amateur landscape photographer, and this website contains some of my photographs. Each landscape photograph is accompanied by a brief description of the scene, technical information, and a commentary. More landscape photographs will be added over time, on an infrequent basis. Look for a pull-down menu that lists the photos. There will be one photo per page.
Also, I have added sections containing collections of photos from events I have attended and interesting sites I have visited. These photos have simple one-line captions and sometimes not even that. Check this website from time to time for additions.
Finally, there is also a collection of travelogues of my trips in the U.S. and Canada. They are PDF ebooks that you can download. Each page in a travelogue has a photo plus a paragraph or two describing the scene or my activities during the trip.
Latest change – December 2021: 2021 Travelogue added.